Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Video: Special Interest Groups and Not Voters Influence Political Landscape in America

The following video, originally entitled “Corruption is Legal in America” by, trenchantly describes not only how corruption is legal in the US, but more importantly, how corruption has endemically been embedded into the system from which corruption became legal.

It is also interesting to see how the popular concept of representative government (seen from academic theory) works in complete departure from reality where voters have little influence on the legal landscape. Instead, the current political economic environment has been dominated by special interest groups via public choice, regulatory capture and revolving door politics.

Because of the enormous windfalls or colossal return of investments when political mandates have been enacted on their favor, many corporations resort to them.

The lesson here shouldn’t be seen only in the frame of US politics but also applies to other representative governments as the Philippines.

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